who is toby date at phyllis' wedding
Theres no way its fine. im much more hopeful now. In the meantime, we have Dwight kicking a demented old relative out the door, Michael jumping up and down to get a glimpse of the wedding and Toby finally looking happy to keep us wanting more. k so what was the song that roy and pam danced to? Some of these comments are so pathetic. Even though Michaels totally disfunctional socially that was way beyond disfunction. Phyllis' wedding day has arrived. What exactly did Toby say in his talking head? I give this ep a 6.5 at best. I loved the music spotting where Scrantonicity played Every Breath You Take as Jim watched Roy and Pam leave together that song also sums up Jims feelings for Pam (okay, pretty much any song about unrequited love can. Great. I totally saw that coming. damn it!!!! Shes not going to ruin this for him after breaking his heart in the first place. And Cmon people give Roy a break. But the next day, when I re-watch it, sometimes with comments like the posts here in my mind, I usually get a lot more out it. As for Pam and Jim, I personally enjoy it. I dont blame her one bit for (temporarily) seeking comfort with him. And Keith (#187) Im totally with ya on your take on Jim and Pam. On the other hand, I wish that Karen was more likable. Did they not watch the Booze Cruise? Everytime that I come near her For one i dont think when Jim was working at the stamford branch it was good timing to tell himand when he came back from stamford he was dating karen. And I was like Wait, thought I called that off. Michael being an ass isnt funny just because hes Michael. The pair. It appeared to me that the JAM scenes were shoved in the end. Will-they-or-wont they has been done a zillion times before. You look at her, and shes kind of matronly today. Having said that, Ill reiterate what I said last week I fail to see the tons of people who think that the shows quality has gone down. Everything she do just turns me on Think of how it relates to the other characters. You dont leave a guy youve been with for 10 years w/o spending time digesting what it all meant. Are you kidding?! Thats just unreal. Uh I gave them twenty bucks. You look lovely. Okay, well obviously Hoop Dreams was an exception lol. A piece of my Jam heart has diedand I think a part of Jims Jam heart is gone too. :) Loved the thing with Creed, and the throw back to the two toasters with Stanley, and everything Angela. The separation between Jim and Pam starts to take a toll on their relationship. and why would jim think pam likes him, especially after her comment last week about setting her up with one of ryans business school friends right in front of him. This episode was definitely rushed. It took a lot of courage for her later to call off the wedding with only a few weeks to go. Summary (NBC): Phyllis regrets giving Michael an important job at her wedding after several embarrassing moments. But, cant really blame Pam. I second whoeveer said they wouldnt want to watch a TV show about a relatioship that took 11 years to develop. Phyllis: Yes, very. But yeh he was REALLY annoying as usual rankled when her ex-fiance Roy fails to recognize any of these details. Infuriating. very sweet moment. They had the full theme song again Michael: I got news for you, Albert. These things get confusing. YEAH!. More so than dramas, its very difficult for comedies to consistently sustain a high level of quality from season to season. W H Y must they do this to me?! She and Karen are friends. She definitely could pull off a hotter dress. I have never once seen a live band perform at a wedding. Yet, these people still cling to these jobs out of fear of the unknown. . Pam is sad, and Roy has (seemingly) changed. why would they do that?! What are their names? Say it aint so!). But it didnt. I hope that the writers have some clever and fun ideas for the episodes to come but please, enough with disappointments where Jim and Pam are concerned, either bring them together or get off the subject already. After last night, do I really need Pam to end up with Jim for me to be happy? I didnt catch it if they did, but thats really funny if it happened. Amy She has never been a strong leader. -Im no Jammer like Ive said before but I have at this point become frustrated with Pam and Jim not being together. the best part of this episode, its phyllis throwing the bouquet, and Ryan simply hit the bouquet and tobys girlfriend takes it instead of kelly. Phyllis: Thanks, Angela. Not badjust different than Season 2. If that wasnt leading us on, what is?!?! If he is in the wedding, hes going to mess something up and he did. Michael exaggerates the importance of his small role in Phyllis's wedding and makes an ass out of himself, and Pam notices that Phyllis stole all of her wedding ideas from her original weddi Michael exaggerates the importance of his small role in Phyllis's wedding and makes an ass out of himself, and Pam notices that Phyllis stole all of her wedding ideas from her original wedding plans. Kelly: I know, but it was an emergency. :) Also Im so glad Toby is happy! Oh boo hoo, this episode sucks because theres no Jam, and now Roy is back in the picture! Dorky Dancer: Youve got it! And if you mean that the dialog was poor, I disagree. If you get the two together, you lose a major part of why people watch the show, so naturally you lengthen it out. not sure if anyones noticed yet, but the first deleted scene is up! Hey, I have a few questions. how to check if swap backing store is full; tommy armour silver scot forged irons; kerry cottage closing Michael was way over the top, but I realized why he was dragging the wheel chair. I think, given a lot of TV plot lines from history, TV execs think people want a long drawn out will they-wont they romance and broad humor (scatalogical humor, people hurting themselves jokes, or silly things). Jim is seemingly *happy* with this woman. To quote from The Princess Bride, mare-widge! I DID love him hopping up and down outside and trying to regain entry, though maybe because I hadnt seen them yet. that it may have sullied Phyllis' day. 1hr 30min Office is okay with me :). Best cold open so far this season and the episodes do seem shorter for some reason. The wedding/welding joke reminded me of a similar joke from The Simpsons: HOMER: What is a wedding? I would like to see more of Ryan & Kelly and Dwight and Angela. I think everyone just needs to give Pam a break. Phyllis' Wedding (Season 3, Episode 16) . OMG. All she had to do was pick up the phone, but instead she let Jim suffer in misery for months. they didnt play travis. Maybe hes a different guy. You put something into words that I didnt even realize I was thinking! Anyone knows? Im not even going to dance one song. chicago, illinois. thats on the narrative of the the christmas episode on the DVD from season 2. it sounds so familiar and omg, i love it. Phyllis Lapin is now Phyllis Vance, Vance Refrigeration. It was covered in a deleted scene. I dont know why I found that funny, he just kind of turned her so he could see Pam :D, JAM was very dissapointing tonight, so Im not going to even discuss it, Ryan pushing the bouquet out of Kellys reach and Michael outside jumping to try and peek through the windows..HAHAHA. I think that they have done a really good job keeping the show fresh this year. I dont think my little Jam heart could take another summer of cliffhanging. As Ive done from the start, Every little thing she does is magic I was so sad to see PB&J Missed another opportunity to connect.They were so close. This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. Im sure Phyllis was invited to Pam & Roys wedding so Im sure she felt obligated to invite Roy to hers? I agreeStaged by the writers to piss us off. Who are all these people? Its a big day for Phyllis. so many gutwrenching moments between jim and pam and roy and karen (and michael on his own) i wanted to either laugh out loud or cry like a baby. The rest was a trainwreck. Also, if Dwights family is Amish, then he couldve talked about how his family refuses to wear wedding rings and so forth. KARIM, yes it is officially announced here folks! Well, when in doubt, do nothing, I say. Jim will also have to grow a pair. best part of the whole episode. I am supposed to ask if anyone has seen Uncle Al. i have given up watching spoilers. . and I know that you love me and soon you will see, And I really like season 3, so thats saying a lot! This episode should have been supersized or had a directors cut online. thanks. It might be possible to build a new engine for the show other than JAM; however, I believe it is more likely that the end of JAM would result in the decline and end of the show. One of the top episodes of the series. Id bet that her relationship with Jim was a factor, but why is that bad and how does it make her desperate? This was the type of scene this show excels at. Its The Office were talking about here! I just hope the writers really do have something up their sleeves with this. At least someone deserving like Tobys gal got it. Ive been quietly rooting for Roy all season. Unless the DM people have viewing parties of their documentary footage when it airs? If Jim really felt the magic with Pam the way WE did, he would not have abandonded it so quickly. Poor Jim. . Huh. Nobody ever helped me. Jill I love you. I totally agree with Dorky Dancer in post 110. Its smart. Sure, hes sweet, but I dont believe it for a minute. Roy is dork, but Pam is really too emotionally lazy to get what she wants. Only to realize at the end of the episode that they are still madly in love with each other. Michael: What can I do to make it more perfecter? Guys dont try to catch the bouquet. What yall also need to remember is that this is a WEDDING. I remember that somewhere in the commentary on the Season 2 DVDs they were talking about how Season 2 was supposed to show a sort of happy-go-lucky Michael, and thus, a happy-go-lucky Office. So of course hes gun shy. essentially i saw the show before i saw the show (the best parts anyway). In interviews earlier this season John Krasinski had said that the show was written realistically, but how is Pam and Jim still not together or at least been something a little more by now, realistic? Worst part of this episode (aside from anything between Pam and Roy): the Jim Pavlovian experiment. Non-hypothetically happy and yet lying. But its going to be worth it. TV Recap: The Office "Phyllis' Wedding" - geeksofdoom.com -Karen singing, and Jim waving his cellphone in the air -Loved Scrantonicity. she doesnt know about those confessions hes made to karen! And does it include their rates? Go karen. The Michael moments were sooo uncomfortable and really beyond where hes been lately. six months and shes gone on ONE blind date? but since then she has done nothing but play the poor me card. Did they actually say Phyllis, do you take Bob Vance of Vance Refridgeration. If this was last year, Im betting that Roy would not have gone with Pam. Michael/Phyllis dressing room We also played our bassists wedding, and our guitarists wedding. After that in the deleted scenes on NBC it shows him going away to management training, well actually Anger Management training Hope I helped! I said TV executives expect them to be, and they often try to give the people what the executives perceive them as wanting. Its so realistic who wants to be getting tipsy at a wedding and having no one to dance with? i have been obsessively refreshing this page for the past 3.5 hrs!! " Blood Drive" was voted the seventeenth-highest-rated episode out of 26 from the fifth season, according to an episode poll at the fansite OfficeTally ; the . the episodes go up on itunes as quickly as noon tomorrow or as late as a day or so later. What has been cliqued about keeping Jim/Pam separated? Michael: Me walking Phyllis down the aisle was supposed to be the highlight of the wedding. I agree with the general consensus of how this episode was really quite painful. So theres a bit of familiarity and comfort that Roy brings to the table as well. Classic Jim/Dwight pranks, classic Michael self-centeredness, classic Creed, and class Dwight investigation. ?%# or get off the pot! I kinda though Jan would be there for some reason. together. Pam went with Roy because he pushed her in his direction. Also, someone asked about Stanley and the toaster: he was annoyed because he had given Pam and Roy a toaster for their wedding. Long story short: Jeffs dog ended up as ring bearer. Poor girl spends months planning her wedding and then calls it off and THEN Phyllis steals all her plans! Does this mean that the Office mates are miked both in and out of the office? JK.come on now pam and jim open your eyes. Ive been a fan of this show since the beginning, and Ive had enough of this will they wont they. again? He hasnt been in all the episodes, but that doesnt mean he hasnt been around. Thanks. Creed was absolutely brilliant short vignette, but he knows how to wring everything out of it, and so unassumingly, too. Toby Flenderson | Fictional Characters Wiki | Fandom . I hope thats not too forward :-). I cant think of anything that would be worst espically around Valentines Day. I just have to say that theres no way in hell that I could go through and read all of these comments. I Googled it, Yahooed it, even asked Jeves but nothing! JAMMERS will stick their fingers in their ears and scream, NO!! Packer, that was a deleted scene from The Return by the way. Some people like the shorthand, some people hate it, but thats what it means. Karen at first was the independent one but they are making her a little clingey now probably to make Pam look less bad. I think that you could kind of tell that Jim is a little annoyed with Karen now. I think that thusfar season 3 has been all about changes relationships, the merger, etc Maybe now that weve lost many of the extra characters we can see those subtleties that you mention. Having the central plotline of a show involve unresolved romance does not transform it into a soap opera. Phyllis, youre a wonderful woman. They were so close tonoght, but I really did see the whole roy pam thing coming again, theyll break up soon though. So she could have started by NOT leaving the wedding with Roy. But I gotta say a woman that gives up everything and moves to a small, sleepy town for a guy that may not be into her isnt really above being desperate to hold onto said guy. Jim and Pam isnt any more like a soap opera than real life is like a soap opera! Lets do it. Great episode, as painful as it was emotionally, and for being completely off-location except for the opening. Even after theyre gone, The bit with Ryan batting the bouquet from Kellys hands was brilliant! its very true to michael! haha. Is anyone else confused about Jims whole, Heres a hypothetical statement: Im really glad Im with Karen ??? Michael: and the irony is that, after the ceremony, that dog peed on everything. Theres too many people on this earth. i dont remember exactly why, but i do remember he had two toasters and he was upset about it. The most important part of a speech is the opening line. They should research it because it could provide a wealth of nuances to incorporate into Dwights character. less long preview clips please! Pam is not selfish or self absorbed. Flash to a talking head of Jim saying something like, So, I guess Roy and Pam are back together. Then hell add something positive about Karen, that shes fun, nice, whatever. Im sure Pam was shocked and hurt that someone else knew what had happened between her and Jim. i was going to rage about the misleading NBC promo (is this when Pam decides to fight for what she wants), but after reading your comment, i think ive reconsidered. Even Jenna has said in interviews that the difference between Pam and Jenna is that she would already be with Jim. Anyway, Im glad to know that there are others out there who seem as obsessed as me. Dwangela Dancing, Painful Moments: I thought they only played the Police. Pam was a way cuter drunk in The Dundies. I must speak with this individual and teach them a lesson. Trust me: it pays off in the end. I had hoped the writers of The Office would be more creative and gutsy than this and defy convention, but apparently theyre the same corporate sell outs as the rest of industry. URgggghhhh. So, Im trying to understand the Pam/Roy situationI guess Im just hoping that they went to grab a drink or a milkshake somewhere and NOTHING ELSE. ), I hear ya you make a good point Big Turkey, I wish they had made this into a special 1 hour episode does anyone here even watch Earl or Scrubs or 30 Rock ? Angela's dress and pillbox hat are very similar to. I expected a little more Pam Jim Karen conflict. Phyllis ended up using the exact same invitations as Roy and me. Shes asked me to push her fathers wheelchair down the aisle. I thought the whole thing was funny and at times sweet and at other times sad (Michael). 100+ "The Office" Trivia Questions and Answers | Thought Catalog The Office would be more complete and that much more hilarious with that extra half hour. Of course nothe could easily fall back into being a jerk, and maybe hes only acting the way he is now because Pam is no longer in his life. the lyrics to the police song, sung by Karen, seems to sum up the JAM thing: Though Ive tried before to tell her MUST watch the office when I eat pizza. I think we should all try to ignore them from week to week and move on, focus on the other aspects of the show. I want to add that I think Phyllis should have warned Pam that her wedding to Bob Vance was going to be almost identical to Pams plans. Jim, Jim, Jim. Not to mention it was kind of a sweet moment. Karen mentioned the kiss so casually, like it wasnt supposed to be a big deal, and to Pam it was a big deal. Its a sticky situation for all involved, and Pams friendship with Karen and Roys sudden change of personality is only confusing it more. danced to? I understand everyone is upset at herwhy doesnt she tell her feelings for Jim? I think its because she doesnt want to feel rejected. I think the reason Pam went off with Roy was because of the whole Phyllis stole my wedding thing. They both dont have the balls to move on with their relationship believe me i hate roy too but im sick of the one of them has a boy/girlfriend and the other one being awakward around them moments !! To dorky dancer posts 112.you are so right on! Give me Creed, give me Michael/Toby, give me Ryan/kelly, give me Dwight/Jim.anything but tortured junior high JAM.. Ohhh Pam. We usually marry standing in our own graves. In his 2nd talking head, he looked disheveled and pissed, like hed just ran his hand through his hair about a dozen times asking himself WTF? wow, im talking about all this like its real life i let myself get waaaay too invested in this show, lol =). Even an ONS (One Night Stand) between the two I would find acceptable (bad idea i know , but at least itd be something). Although Michael WAS pretty annoying in this episode, you cant really blame him. i dont remember either of them in Ugly Betty Pam is this wimpy, boring character with bad hair. Look. . Jim had enough chances !! Even Creed and his present-stealing ways! He played his cards right this time, but weve now reached the climax of the Roy makeover thats been slowly building all season. I think that judging by Jims return Pam would have put herself out there if he hadnt come back with a girlfriend. Even though she isnt in love with him anymore, I understand why she would leave with him, if not for any other reason than to just get the hell out of there. Wedding Day Barbie Doll Redhead 1961 Reproduction 1996 Mattel #17120 (#266190138998) . Portrayed by Kelly: Are you all right? There was only 1.5 details that I thought were off. Ive lived in my own will they/wont they situation for 11 years!! Pam: Oh, Im such a dorky dancer. Having said that I suspect that Pam will be regretting her actions very soon! Got to find yourself another wedding to crash, my friend. She obviously feels shell never motivate herself to find someone after Roy and since Jim isnt going to do anything, she thinks maybe Roy has changed his ways. We just know these characters now And its hard for them to surprise us. And not in a funny way. Toby and his nemesis Michael had some of the best moments in the show, but fans always felt for Toby because of how Michael treated him.. Off set, Paul married actress Janine Poreba in 2008, according to Celebrity Mirror.. Janine actually made a brief appearance in the series as Toby's date, Amy . And Im sure that pisses him off even more, since Pam is now seemingly back with Roy. that was awesome. When I watch an episode like last nights, at first I feel let down. If so, do you think the Powers that Be might pick up on all this anti-soap-operatizing-JAM talk going on this week? Did ANYONE read my comment? And you're nervous. I say thats crazy. DAMN YOU!! What was the name of the song that Roy and Pam (also Dwight and Angela omg does it get any cuter?) I've done a lot of research, and no where is anyone credited to be his date. Ooh! Shes a lovely person, but shes not the warm, funny, fun-loving kind of person he needs. i dont think pam knows that jim is still interested in him but he is and she was totally bummed when he and karen were dancing and she left because of it. Werent they dancing outside :-. But I get why she doesnt. Hi! I am flattered that so many of The Office fans searched to find my song!! No, Big Turkey, we cant be the only ones I think once it happens, everyone will start to realize that we had a point after all and Jill put it quite nicely also. Was anyboby really surprised about Pam and Roy? i totally understand the whole jam thing. In a futile attempt to change the discussion somewhat, I found that the wedding portrayed in the ep was somewhat realistic. Hes tried to be more aware of whats going on in Pams life, he got her out of the conference room for a while in Grief Counseling, he apparently got her a nice Christmas present based on their little moment in the Christmas episodehe hasnt done anything that would make me say, wow, hes a jerk like the last two seasons. Agreed Big Turkey I think its just the mentality of wanting what we want when we want it. (it was so hard this week. I mean the eye contact.cmon! Good episode in my opinion but I agree that Michael was over the top. The opening scene was pretty funny actually so Ill add that to my list too. If you recall when Dwight and Michael were at the ER and Michael took off his microphone pack to enter the MRI room, the sound went off and there was silence. Pam leaving with Roy Ill buy. And the sisters. Im sure therell be an awkward confrontation between Jim and Pam that vaguely references the re-appearance of Roy. Liked this episode. I dont know. It reminded me of season 1 or the BBC version. Interesting-I need more time to digest this episode. more OFFICE space! Seriously, who out there is going to respond to that with Oh, but I want you?, especially Pam. Best part of this episode (aside from the Jim and Pam dorky dancer conversation and Pams furtive glances): Tobys date catching the bouquet and Toby being all excited. I will admit I am one of those people pulling for Jim and Pam- its probably 50 percent of the reason I watch the show. I usually dont get the email until the evening, so I am very happy. I also found the JAM action in this one very painful (but still fun to watch), but I think JK deserves a lot of applause for his acting tonight. in the story. This week I will have gossip :). I have been to weddings in my single days and I was pretty much desperate for any dance partner!!!! Adriana, thanks for the heads-up. OMG! Remember the oven mitt in Season 2 Christmas? Phyllis and Stanley After Stanley ( Leslie David Baker) retired to Florida, Phyllis ( Phyllis Smith) missed him so much that she tried fattening up Stanley's replacement with fudge. I know. Im sure the writers are, too. Michael was more over the top than usual, but that may just be his normal behavior taken out of the office context and implanted in the new setting. > IN ANGER MANAGEMENT CLASSES FOR 10 WEEKS. Im not saavy enough (nor do I care enough, I guess) to make one of those youtube music videosso this is the best way for me to tell others. I can relate to Pam as far as being mopey and lonely and hooking up with an ex (a sort of security blanket if you will) So i wil be optimistic that RAM has not been permanently reunited, because Pam will eventually come to her senses. Yeah. Ripping off and tossing someone elses card in the trash and sticking his own card to a HUGE gift? I thought Paul Lieberstein wrote it, but I could be wrong. If anything, Im disappointed in Pam. John, I think they made Ed Helms (Andy) a permanent cast member. Right. Phyllis's Wedding Original Air Date: February 8, 2007 Phyllis has asked Michael to push her father's wheelchair down the aisle at her wedding, a role that she gave him to secure six weeks off for her honeymoon. They dont know Phyllis (or Bob) as well as the people from the upstairs officeso why would the other warehouse guys go? The episode, which occurs a year after the previous episode "A. lol. . Anyway it will all happen in time and everyone should give Pam a break. Besides, the show isnt ALL about Jim and Pam, its about the entirety of The Office Jim and Pam are just one more complication that keeps it going, and keeps us watching. I figured it would take more than $20 & think it sucks for you line from Roy for Pam to leave with himseriously, what the blazes is wrong with her!! I kind of took that to mean she was hoping Jim was watching. Jim didnt. "On paper, we've only been together for around two and a half years," says the painter Ivy Getty of her relationship with photographer Toby Engel. Heres the crux of my problem: People have to behave out of character in order to keep them apart. I dont think I can fully appreciate the remainder of the hilarity of another episode until the JAM situation is at least somewhat resolved? Touched by the gesture, Pam dances with him, and they leave Season finale Roy makes a Jim-like pitch to Pam, professing his love for her, etc. Copyright 2023 OfficeTally. Who played Tobys girl? It's okay, if you did. he says pam wants to but roy wont let her. Oh. Why do I feel compelled to write something now? But I guess he was reliving one of his severe childhood memories which may explain his regression. can someone tell me who the old actor is that played the uncle with dementia? 2 Toby Introduces His Date To Kevin. I thought that Michael tonight was very comparable to the way he acted on the Booze Cruise. is bold the right word? How hilarious/cheap/ingenious was Creed tonight? Could she not like her job, and moved for the job? Stupid roy! Director Ken Whittingham Writers Greg Daniels Caroline Williams Ricky Gervais Stars Steve Carell Rainn Wilson John Krasinski Plus I thought Roy was sweet tonight. But I will make an exception in this case because it is in fact Scrantonicity live and that Kevin surprisingly enough can carry a tune. Sure, a few of the episodes have not been as good as the others, but thats true for all other shows too, and I think The Office has done an extremely commendable job this season in maintaining the high standards that the previous season has set.
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who is toby date at phyllis' wedding