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why was the greatest american hero cancelled

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why was the greatest american hero cancelled

document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Before you fly away on a wing and a prayer, check out our coverage of the original ABC series, The Greatest American Hero. 2 years on the air just wasn't enough. This may have been an improvisational power of the suit, but is not tried again in later episodes. [4], In the pilot episode, while Ralph ponders whether to accept the suit, he observes his son watching the Super Friends cartoon. Why critic a great show? We'll side with the series creator. Freevee, Prime Videos SVOD service, is adding 100 movies and TV shows to entice customers to sign up for Prime Video. It seems to be in the early days of planning. Heres a trivia-type of side note. The episodes were all the same a local bad guy and a kidnapping and Katt saves the day. Learning of the suit, high-strung FBI agent Bill Maxwell convinces Ralph to help him fight crime. The one thing this show was missing was a real bad guy, like a super villain. In "Divorce Venusian Style", the pair meet one of the aliens, whose world was apparently destroyed (which hints as to why the aliens want to protect humanity) and calls Earth one of the few remaining "garden planets". The Greatest American Hero: FOX Wants a New TV Show August 30, 2014; The Greatest American Hero: Win The Complete First Season on DVD! All rights reserved. [7], On November 10, 2011, Mill Creek Entertainment released The Greatest American Heroine TV movie on DVD. As a child this and the MAD-H Productions. With Greatest American Hero's fate sealed, ABC has yet to make a decision on Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s future (or lack thereof) on the network. The episode's story concerns a KGB mole-agent (played by guest actor Dixie Carter) placed into the FBI with the sole purpose of discovering the methods used by agent Bill Maxwell in catching spies and other assorted villains. A group of people suddenly thrown into a situation where they have to "save the world". Could you image Star Wars with William Katt and Kurt Russell zipping around in the Millennium Falcon? Believe it or not: Actor William Katt says 'Greatest American Hero Jim "J.J." Beck had received the suit, and Marshall Dunn was his partner, much like Ralph and Maxwell operated. I sadly tell them there's only a tv movie left for them to see.. It was smart and the witty dialogue in this show rivals any of the "more adult" TV shows from it's time. All rights reserved (About Us). Lord and Miller also were behind last years Fox/20th TV Greatest American Hero remake with a different writer, Rodney Rothman, which had a put pilot commitment. And, sadly for fans of the show, there could have been more. Conceived by the legendary TV giant Stephen J. Cannell, this is the kind of show that when you think back on it gives you all kinds of warm and fuzzy feelings inside. Others here have pointed out the many problems The Greatest American Hero had to put up with during it's brief 2 years on the air, one I would like to mention was it was constantly yanked around on its schedule. This was one of my favorites. Hero NYPD detective Troy Patterson dies after spending 33 years in a The Greatest American Hero was an excellent action-comedy series from the early 1980s that unfortunately seemed to be a victim of bad timing and fate. This series never seemed to get its just dues back in the early 80's, OK so The Greatest American Hero wasn't Mozart or The Great Gatsby. However, caped crusaders have long been a part of American pop culture.From 1981 to 1983, The Greatest American Hero flew into our living rooms. ABC seemed unsure how to market the show's blend of superhero action with comedy, which seems prescient in regards to later superhero satires like MYSTERY MEN and THE . The pilot movie reveals that, several years after the final episode, Ralph's secret identity was finally revealed to the public, resulting in his becoming a celebrity. While on a road trip through a desert, mild-mannered high-school teacher Ralph Hinkley (temporarily changed to Ralph Hanley for part of season one due to real-life current events) is greeted by extraterrestrials, who present him with an extraordinary red flying suit that imbues him with uncanny powers. (Gone But Not Forgotten). Predictably, viewer interest waned and the show was cancelled. But when Ralph unwittingly losses the instructions, he is left to figure out to work the suit. (Ended) May 23, 2010; The Greatest American Hero: Robert Culp . But these things are gonna seem minor. The Greatest American Hero (1981 - 1983) Created by Stephen J. Cannell Believe or not I really loved this show. You don't say no when Raymon Burr gets on the phone with you.". Canceling the new Macgyver because ratings went down. We heart Celebrities. I think why can;t these networks come up with a new original idea instead of going back to old shows back in the 1970s & 1980s . We heart books. It's Me, Margaret. Along the way, he loses the suits instruction manual. It ends with Bill overhearing a conversation between Holly and her foster daughter in which Holly refers to Bill as a good person. As Ralph walks to get help, hes almost run down by a car driven by old-school FBI Special Agent Bill Maxwell (Robert Culp). The Greatest American Hero (1981 - 1983) Created by Stephen J. Cannell. Carrie Johnson threw her toddler son Wilfred a fireman-themed birthday party over the weekend - and she and her husband Boris even dressed up for the big event.. Why Did People In Old Hollywood Talk Funny. But Jim was overwhelmed with the power of the suit, and he used it selfishly and for ill-gotten gains, until the aliens discovered this and took the suit away. The Greatest American Hero: Ralph's 9 Best Powers - Screen Rant Teacher, Ralph Hinkley (William Katt), receives a super-powered suit from aliens, who tell him that he and FBI agent Bill Maxwell (the late Robert Culp) must save the world. April 30, 2023 - All American Protestant Service - Facebook The suit will be donned by Meera, an Indian-American woman. Explore. I have two concerns, however, the first being who they would get to do the part of Bill Maxwell. > The Greatest American Hero was an excellent action-comedy series from the early 1980s that unfortunately seemed to be a victim of bad timing and fate. In the episode "Vanity, Says the Preacher", it is also revealed there are several humans in seeming "suspended animation" aboard the aliens' ship (Bill speculates that they are possible replacements for them). [16], On February 12, 2018, Simone was announced as the lead in ABC's reboot;[17] however, ABC declined to pick up the series. I laughed every single day on that show.". Acting is in Katt's blood. TV isnt holsom anymore. However, Culp expressed no interest in leaving Hero and Hagman eventually signed a new contract. Look for Markie Post, Danny Glover, Ed Winter and other well known actors and actresses in various supporting or cameo roles. By continuing, you agree to the Privacy Policy and As a child this and the Hulk were my two favorite shows. I'll keep the review simple,10 stars! Too bad they pulled it. Back then, it wasn't a popular move, he said. Who didn't laugh whenever Ralph would be caught in public wearing that kinky looking red super suit? I highly recommend this show and hope all who reads this enjoys it. The emblem on the costume also looks like the Chinese character, which can mean "center," "middle," "in," "among" or "within." Five Nights at Freddy's: High School (FNAFHS), Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Rated A++++++++ The suit, the story, the crashes the coolest ever. He has no clue how to use the suit and Culp is there to back him up. It turned into a real detective show in the later seasons. The show was a hit, but died due to the network not buying into the concept. `The Greatest American Hero' is a textbook case of a television show being a victim of `the powers that be.' So they pushed for the types of shows that Cannell did not want, shows that involved Ralph trying to stop some sort of calamity from happening, including nuclear war ("Operation Spoilsport") and even a Loch Ness Monster-type of creature ("The Devil in the Deep Blue Sea"). This was a time in American TV when shows were still "light" and the emphasis was on entertainment. Ralph's girlfriend, attorney Pam Davidson, also knows of his secret life as a superhero. This show, "American Hero", was a spoof, or parody, of the superhero genre. "What convinced me was the script had such a wonderful sense of humor about it," Katt says. In this episode of Gone But Not Forgotten, which is written by Jessica Dwyer, edited by Cesar Gabriel, and narrated by Travis Hopson, we dig into this classic show. The most prominent clue is that Bill Maxwell is playing a turn on his "I Spy" Kelly Robinson fifteen years down a dead-end road, where his Cold War battles have apparently led him to be mired in eroded ruts. On August 29, 2014, Deadline Hollywood published an article reporting that the Fox Network had ordered a pilot for a new version of the show. Then, the third or fourth show I noticed something really strange. And working together (more or less :) ) they do it. Do you plan to check it out? However, his slick slab of Daryl Hallish power-pop,Secret Smiles, failed to catch interest. First, it was an unfortunate victim of the 1981 Reagan assassination attempt, resulting in the horrific `Hinkley/Hanley' overdub. The theme song became well known during the show's run. And, since he had not grown up with flying, and had no special training, his landings were always awkward, often tumbling into the shrubs or garbage cans to stop his momentum. TV shows focusing on crime or politics or "reality" were not even a twinkle yet in the producers' eyes. 50 Cent opens his own film studio seven years after he showed off Actor William Katt poses at The Saturn Awards at the Castaway Event Center on Thursday, July 26, 2012, in Burbank, Calif. [19], Theme from The Greatest American Hero (Believe It or Not), List of The Greatest American Hero episodes. Shattered Manu Feildel reacts to death of MasterChef's Jock Zonfrillo By creating an account, you agree to the Of course back then, the audio quality of TVs was not so great. You're one step ahead of Lois Lane: she never found out who Clark Kent really was." The Greatest American Hero is an American television comedy-drama/superhero series created by Stephen J. Cannell for ABC which aired from 1981 to 1983. Status of FOX TV Shows, Cancelled or Renewed? ABC Picks Up Comedy 'The Greatest American Hero' to Pilot - TheWrap For the rest of the first season, the character was generally referred to as either "Ralph" or "Mister H", although in "The Best Desk Scenario", when Ralph is given a promotion and his own office space, we see the name "Ralph Hanley" on the door plaque. The Jennifer Aniston and Reese Witherspoon hit drama has had a staggered run so far, but the pace is picking back up. But he seems to make the best out of the bad situation. Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story: Season 1, Link to Marvel Movies Ranked Worst to Best by Tomatometer, Link to Asian-American Pacific Islander Heritage, Link to RT25: Celebrating 25 Years of Rotten Tomatoes. In the end, it took Perry Mason himself, Raymond Burr, to convince him. Hinkley immediately loses it. For the season two finale, a serious and appropriate for the time (considering the Cold War) episode was produced; "Lilacs, Mr. Maxwell", written and directed by Robert Culp. [18], During July 2008, it was announced that Katt was writing a comic book series based on the television series for his publishing company, Catastrophic Comics, in conjunction with Arcana Studios. Unfortunately, in March of 1981, a few weeks after the series premiered,John Hinckley Jr. attempted to shoot President Ronald Reagan. Do Not Sell My Information - CA Residents. July 28, 2008. . This show is marvelous fun for all ages and there is no blood gushing gore or otherwise raunchy lovemaking so prevalent in TV shows today. The Greatest American Hero is a show that's much beloved by folks of a certain generation. Performers include: William Katt, Robert Culp, Connie Sellecca, Don Cervantes, Faye Grant, Michael Pare, William Bogert, Jesse D. Goins, Brandon Williams, Edward Bell, Robby Weaver, and Glenn R. Wilder. Much like the original run of "Star Trek," the show took off in syndication after it was canceled. A cross between Superman and Ace Ventura, this series gave a great Platform for William Katt with his all American Boy Looks and excellent timing. Whatever Happened To: The Cast Of "The Greatest American Hero". I contacted ABC and did a storyRead more . Then the two see a flying saucer, and both become scared. The Greatest American Hero: FOX Wants a New TV Show August 30, 2014; The Greatest American Hero: Win The Complete First Season on DVD! Status of Cable & Streaming TV Shows (E-L), FOX 2022-23 TV Season Ratings (updated 5/1/2023), CBS 2022-23 TV Season Ratings (updated 5/1/2023), ABC 2022-23 TV Season Ratings (updated 5/1/2023), Viewer Votes Ranking for the 2022-23 Network TV Shows, Cancelled or Renewed? TV show description: A staple of "cancelled-too-soon" lists, this beloved sci-fi space adventure starred a pre-Castle Nathan Fillion and was the brainchild of Joss Whedon, who . Ralph also shows signs of being able to control minds after he is exposed to high doses of plutonium radiation. Flash forward twenty years and I'm amazed at not only how well the show has held up but at all I missed the first time around. But the great thing about this show is he doesn't know how to use it. Katt hadturned down an invitation to the roleseveral times. The Greatest American Hero is an American comedy-drama superhero television series that aired on ABC. Faye Grant. The Greatest American Hero: - Canceled TV shows HQ The Greatest American Hero". Warner Bros. Inc. v. American Broadcasting Companies, Inc. "Just My Show Interviews The Greatest American Hero's William Katt", "The Greatest American Hero: 10 Superheroes That Ralph Might Be Based On", "Mill Creek Gets DVD Rights to 14 More Classic Stephen J. Cannell TV Programs! Fox has officially run out of ideas. 2023 Advance Local Media LLC. Terms and Policies The case,Warner Bros. Inc. v. American Broadcasting Companies, Inc., became a landmark in copyright litigation. Believe it or not, The Greatest American Hero ran for 44 episodes over three seasons, before being cancelled by ABC, on February 3, 1983. This show did a great deal of changing over it's three year run. Liked the show back then like the show to this day, Love it then and now. DMCA. "Believe It or Not" peaked at No. Seeing a telephone booth, he grumbles, "No! The Greatest American Hero - canceled - TV Series Finale He was a mild-mannered school teacher. My children were growing up, the youngest was 5 and the oldest was 12. Top image: The Everett CollectionThe superhero genre reigns supreme at the box office. The pilot episode had a scene where the two characters argue over who's in charge. sermon | 48 views, 0 likes, 1 loves, 1 comments, 0 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from All American Protestant Service: Join All American Chapel as CH Matt Deans continues the Road to Emmaus sermon. Through some coercion, she eventually agrees, on occasion, to join Ralph and Bill during missions. Superhero spoof about an inept crimefighter with superpowers given to him by aliens. Greatest American Hero Reboot Nixed. Designated Survivor Cancelled Also during the encounter, he is instructed by the aliens to thereafter collaborate with FBI Special Agent Bill Maxwell (Culp). Does anyone remember McDonald's Bucket-O-Fries? Reagan was shot byJohn Hinckley. The Greatest American Hero: Gone But Not Forgotten Loved the show and you can still catch it on the H& I network on Saturday mornings. As the show goes on, the body count rises and the innocent feel of the first season is left behind. It's just a sin how underrated "The Greatest American Hero" is. Thanks Vicki for that bit of trivia! Written and to be directed by Famuyiwa, Greatest American Hero is the story of what happens when great power is not met with great responsibility. I can still recall, quite fondly, watching the pilot episode of The Greatest American Hero. Home. Created by well-known TV executive Stephen J. Cannell (HUNTER, THE A-TEAM, 21 JUMP ST.), THE GREATEST AMERICAN HERO was an acclaimed show that was cancelled before its time. From 1983 until 1988, she portrayed Christine Francis in the TV drama Hotel opposite co-stars James Brolin and Shari Belafonte. The two characters' written on-screen friction was convincing -- and for good reason. For thisincarnation, the suit would be worn by Meera, an Indian-American woman, but this concept was not picked up to series either. It may be clich to repeatedly call ABC or any other network 'villains' when talking about how they shafted a particular TV series, but in this case it really is true. A few years back I read that Disney was going to make a full length feature of the show. The story begins with Ralph Hinkley(William Katt) a high school teacher, is lured out in the dessert, comes across FBI Agent Bill Maxwell(Robert Culp) and they are approached by a UFO, and is told they must work together as a team, they give Ralph a suit that has magical powers whenever he wears it. It remains one of the greatest American TV tunes. I remember this show from my childhood, and they are very fond memories at that. NEW!! SEALED!! The Greatest American Hero - eBay "Hinkley" to "Hanley") whenever the character's last name was spoken aloud. . There are also dozens of spandex-wearing heroes on the small screen. The rest of the episode deals with Holly learning how to use the suit with Bill Maxwell's guidance, and the pair trying to develop a working relationship. It also peaked at the No. [9], Shout! With no public vote, they will be competing against each other in a battle to become the first ever 'I'm A . I enjoyed the show, I still wish it was made today. The song was used in an episode of Seinfeld, when George used it for his answering machine. Bill is then shown speaking into a recorder he uses as his "diary" to suggest that maybe Holly is the right person to wear the suit after all. The Best Mandalorian Hero Needs To Do One Thing To Save The Series - MSN Copyright document.write(new Date().getFullYear()) But the aliens tell Ralph and Bill they must work together to make the world a better place. This led to the show being called in Hong Kong, which loosly translates as Flying Red Center Hero. The Greatest American Hero - Wikipedia The show was cancelled in February of 1983 after three seasons, leaving five episodes unaired; the unaired episodes were later sold as part of its syndication package & DVD collections. We heart TV shows. Rodriguez 4 Episodes 1981. In the episode "Fire Man" he displays resistance to fire/heat and uses "super exhalation" (the ability to blow out a flamethrower, or any other large source of fire); he also uses this ability in the episode "There's Just No Accounting", to extinguish a Molotov cocktail. He leads a rather Sweathogian classroom in Los Angeles. He ended up being cast in "Carrie" instead as Carrie's prom date, Tommy Ross. Stream It Or Skip It: 'The Neighbor' On Netflix, A Spanish Comedy About A Bumbling Superhero And His Nerdy Buddy. Holly reacts emotionally to the fond farewells, but breaks the somber mood as she accidentally pulls the door off of Bill's sedan. March 30, 1981 had happened, the day Pres. In "Saturday on Sunset Boulevard", aired within days of the incident, this was accomplished by overdubbing dialogue (i.e. The series chronicles Wells' adventures through time. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Ralph and Bill are told that they must work together to save the world and Ralph is given a black case containing a silly-looking but super-powered suit that will only work for him. Meanwhile, during the production of The Greatest American Hero, the hit series Dallas was in the midst of contract dispute with its star Larry Hagman. Cannell attempted to revive the franchise in 1986 with a spin-off called The Greatest American Heroine , the unaired pilot of which . The mild-mannered alter ego of our hero is a public school teacher namedRalph Hinkley. The red-clad good guy, played by William Katt, followed in the footsteps of Wonder Woman and The Incredible Hulk. Cult Classic from Childhood! It was the typical reason the star wanted more money. Please stop!!! Once the transfer is made, they explain, all memory of Ralph's exploits will be purged from the world's memory and remembered only by Ralph, Pam, and Bill. (Ended) May 23, 2010; The Greatest American Hero: Robert Culp . the Terms and Policies, and to receive email from Rotten Tomatoes. I can still remember watching this show back in the early 80's and when Ralph first tried to fly that red suit. The MKR star, 49, told 7News on Monday, Zonfrillo was 'a young, talented chef' who . Answer (1 of 3): Multiple reasons, including: 1. This was a pretty good show, especially when it got to its second season. 'The Greatest American Hero' Reboot Not Moving Forward at ABC - TV Shows The music was written byMike Post (Stephen Geyer penned the lyrics), who is the genius composer behind the themes to The Rockford Files, Magnum, P.I., Law & Order, The A-Team and so much more. Home. [1] ABC Passes On Greatest American Hero TV Show Reboot - Screen Rant William Katt was adorable in the lead (I met him in person once and he was even MORE adorable in the flesh! Copyright TV Series Finale. Author J. K. Rowling was in a buoyant mood last week. Sure the story line is stolen from the Green Lattern with the whole alien dying and giving a superpower item to a human. This alternate translation of the show title allude to the mandate by the alien grantor to use the suit as a means to fight crime and injustice in the world. One word to describe the way the series approached this idea would be "smart", like Star Trek this show seemed to have a definitive intelligent and creative force behind it. There are also dozens of spandex-wearing heroes on the small screen. "Believe it or Not" debuted in the Top 40 of the Billboard Hot 100, peaking at No. After The Greatest American Hero was cancelled, Connie appeared in another successful series. That fantastic theme song certainly didn't hurt. When he is lured out in the desert, then suddenly disgruntled F.B.I. Warner Bros. Inc. v. American Broadcasting Companies, Inc. was ultimately dismissed. TV wasn't afraid of putting out a hero that got advice on how to fly from a goofy little kid. "Raymond Burr got on the phone with his booming voice," Katt recalls. If you purchase a product or register for an account through one of the links on our site, we may receive compensation. The suit includes a manual, the key to all the suit's powers and how to use them. (Photo by Chris Pizzello/Invision/AP). Once the aliens have departed, flustered Bill quickly leaves and dazed Ralph must walk back to the bus. (Heck,I still have the 45rpm record of the theme song with the original picture sleeve and Joey Scarbury's album!). Greatest American TV Series--Coming to the Big Screen. If you grew up in the seventies or eighties, the theme song is instantly iconic. He'd go on to work with his mom, most notably in the revival of "Perry Mason" via a series of TV movies between 1985 and 1995. I wish shows that have been cancelled recently were revived, instead of so many reboots of older shows like this. Joke's on you 5 of The Joker's craziest schemes, Straight from the Voyager Mess Hall: 5 of Neelix's Best Looking Meals, 10 fascinating facts about Wanted: Dead or Alive star, Steve McQueen. spinoff Marvel's Most Wanted back in 2016.Marvel's Cloak and Dagger premieres on ABC's teen-friendly . [1] The lead character's surname was changed from "Hinkley" to "Hanley" for the latter part of the first season, immediately after President Ronald Reagan and three others were shot and wounded by John Hinckley Jr. on March 30, 1981. Connie Sellecca. My kids are 10,14 and 24. [14] The pilot was to be produced by Phil Lord and Christopher Miller, both of whom wrote and directed The Lego Movie. They are helped along by Ralphs divorce lawyer/girlfriend, Pam Davidson (Connie Selleca). In a later scene, having yet to convince Pam he really is a superhero, Ralph jokes, "Look at it this way. Episode 5. and the The series poked fun at the genre and worked as much as a comedy as it did an action show. Then one night he is approached by aliens out in the desert, teamed up with a gung-ho FBI agent, and given a spectacular red suit styled in the classic superhero design of cape and longjohns. It wasn't on for very long - The series lasted for a little less than two full seasons. The . The series chronicles Ralph's adventures after a group of aliens gives him a red and black suit that grants him superhuman abilities. Hinkley's hero persona never receives an actual "superhero name" either, although Joey Scarbury sings the Elton John song "Rocket Man" in the pilot. Once again we got to see Din and Grogu. In the pilot episode (which coincidentally revolves around the GAH preventing the assassination of the President), Hinley's son is watching an episode of the Superfriends cartoon. The ex-prime minster's wife, 35 . Notably, while the suit enables Ralph to fly, it does not endow him with any particular skill at landing, so he frequently crashes in an undignified (though uninjured) heap. 2. Live. By the season 2 premiere, "The Two-Hundred-Mile-an-Hour Fast Ball", the show's producers returned the character's surname to the original Hinkley. The Greatest American Hero, ABC . This was also the first of Cannell's series to feature the "Stephen J. Cannell Productions" logo. But the script for "The Greatest American Hero" was too good to pass up, Katt says. Status of CW TV Shows, 2022-23 Season Ratings for New TV Shows (week 31). Watch. When this show first debuted in mid-March I was an editor for my local paper; I watched the first couple of them, thought it was really cute (loved the theme song). Status of FOX TV Shows, Cancelled or Renewed? Compared with quality of todays programmes which 26 strong wrtitng teams are delivering , this product was and still is 10 out of 10. We heart living like a star. The Greatest American Hero TV show - TV Series Finale As the symbol is red in color with white background, Hong Kong television station TVB titled the Cantonese-dubbed version of the show Fi Tn Hhng Jng Hahp (), meaning "Flying Red Center Hero", in reference to the red center mahjong tile. A pilot was made, though the series was never picked up. But the script for "The Greatest American Hero" was too good to pass up, Katt says. You don't see many action shows nowadays that were as good as this one. Cannell was trying to avoid save-the-day-type episodes, as per the original Adventures of Superman television series, but according to Cannell on the DVD set, when Carsey and Werner left ABC (soon after the show was purchased by the network) the new network executives wanted the show to be more like a children's show than an adults' show. Katt was close to landing the lead role of the eventual Jedi knight. All rights reserved. Series status: Cancelled/ended. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Advance Local.

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why was the greatest american hero cancelled

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why was the greatest american hero cancelled

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