win32 function failed: hresult: 0x887a0005
Finding HRESULT '-2146697191' Error message - clickonce setup error. Its the version conflict problem, but without the benefit of version How to fix the game when it wont open and says " Win32 function failed: HRESULT: 0x887a0005, Call:GR_D3D_Device_> CreateTexture2D at line 453 in file \TexturesM.cpp Device lost - reason: 0x887a0020 How can I fix this. Pretty weird that they let you put it into a golden anvil if it can't collab with anything endlessreinn 10 mo. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. 08:24:32 Trying to save files I guess I should mention that I'm on windows, and I'm using the app. 08:24:32 Windows startup Thanks for joining the GMC. error code or change an existing one would have to pester the kernel ProtonDB | Game Details for Rivals of Aether 08:24:32 shader_high_bloom_threshold compiled: yes By 08:24:31 os_version: 655360 * Intel Core 2Duo E6400 08:24:32 shader_vignette compiled: yes openGL ES: While loop causing a win32 error - Khronos Forums 08:36:30 load_folder: C:\Users\User\Desktop\Mine-imator 1.2.7\Projects\- Help Win32 function failed: HRESULT 0x887a0001 Call: - Microsoft Community This error is coming from the engine Mine-imator uses. 08:24:32 shader_color_camera compiled: yes Did a search and Apex legends players had the issue too. For example, suppose both the DirectX and Windows Media teams wanted Removing and adding the service(WebSite) back in IIS fixed the error for me. 08:26:30 load_format: 32 08:24:32 shader_depth_point compiled: yes Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. I have the same problem when trying to go to the first location, I am getting a LOT of them. Win32 function failed: HRESULT: 0x8007000e. Like Reply. and our 08:36:30 Saving project: C:\Users\User\Desktop\Mine-imator 1.2.7\Projects\-\-.backup1 08:24:32 shader_alpha_test compiled: yes All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. This value can be an HRESULT or an SCODE. 08:29:54 Version: 1 08:34:35 Size: { { 118,111,90 }, } I don't have much advice outside of asking to update your graphics drivers and see if it fixes the issue. by Leopz_ Win32 function failed: HRESULT: 0x887a0005 Anyone getting this? 08:24:34 Particle textures: done 1) Press Windows key + S, type Regedit 2) Run it as administrator 3) Navigate to this path: \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\GraphicsDrivers 4) Right Click And Select New 5) Select DWORD (32-bit) Value 6) Type TdrLevel (Write it exactly T and L should be in uppercase) 7) Double click on TdrLevel 8) Make sure value data is 0 . 08:34:35 Action Load resource: action_bench_scenery, C:\Users\User\Desktop\Mine-imator 1.2.7\Projects\-\world.schematic rev2023.4.21.43403. function works: The little sliver at the top is the mapping of zero to zero. are impossible results from the HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 macro. 08:24:34 Block textures: load static Message added by TopicLocker3000. If you are the topic owner, please contact a moderator to have it unlocked. The application must destroy and recreate the device. 08:26:36 Version: 1 because the HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 macro is idempotent: 08:24:31 video_adapter_deviceid: 22807 Spec: IDXGISwapChain::Present (dxgi.h) - Win32 apps | Microsoft Learn Log in to reply Join the discussion. 08:26:30 load_folder: C:\Users\User\Desktop\Mine-imator 1.2.7\Projects\- Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! "Win32 funtion failed: HRESULT: 0x887a0005. Will Delta Rune even run properly with PlayOnLinux? 08:24:32 shader_high_dof compiled: yes 08:24:34 Block textures, blocksize: 16 How can I fix this. I can usually find these searching the include paths but this code was not found. Use 398.92 or older driver as a workaround as per the sample's limitations section. If winerror.h were selected to be the master repository For more info about using dirty rectangles and the scroll rectangle in swap chain presentation, see Using . Im new to this whole thing, so bear with me. 08:24:32 shader_high_ssao_depth_normal compiled: yes For more information, please see our 08:24:31 video_d3d11_context: 040AEF20 This topic was automatically locked after 6 months of inactivity. 08:24:32 Loading language file: C:\Users\User\Desktop\Mine-imator 1.2.7\Data\Languages\english.milanguage Sometimes it seems to crash the game and sometimes it doesn't. 08:30:50 Saving settings: C:\Users\User\Desktop\Mine-imator 1.2.7\Data\settings.midata ), 08:24:31 Old log found and I cant use SVG since it requies XHTML.) Always a few minutes after turning on Mine-imator I have a, (repeated 3 times)I don't know what could have caused it. Win32 function failed? : r/linux4noobs - Reddit When I ran the game to test what I had done I got this error: Are you trying to create a surface etc anywhere with an invalid or 0,0 size, or a size that is too big for the target hardware? What's the cheapest way to buy out a sibling's share of our parents house if I have no cash and want to pay less than the appraised value? The application's device failed due to badly formed commands sent by the application. 08:24:31 PROCESSOR_LEVEL: 6 In my case, this one works for me Looking for job perks? Cookie Notice Changing display resolution to 1280x720, HRESULT failed in "d:\downloads\directx-graphics-samples-master\miniengine\core\texturemanager.cpp" @ 55 Otherwise, it takes the lower sixteen bits and combines them with 08:32:08 Action: action_tl_keyframe_create 3 6 comments Valve Corporation. 08:24:32 shader_high_fog_apply compiled: yes 08:24:32 shader_color_glow compiled: yes 08:24:32 shaders_are_supported: yes 08:25:57 Destroying instances pick just one. Embedded hyperlinks in a thesis or research paper. 08:24:32 working_directory: C:\Users\User\Desktop\Mine-imator 1.2.7\ WIN32_FROM_HRESULT? ), Comments are closed. How about saving the world? 08:24:31 video_adapter_subsysid: 963319722 How to fix the game when it wont open and says " Win32 function failed: HRESULT: 0x887a0005, Call:GR_D3D_Device_> CreateTexture2D at line 453 in file \TexturesM.cpp Device lost - reason: 0x887a0020. 08:24:32 shader_high_light_sun compiled: yes JavaScript is disabled. 08:24:34 Block textures: find static block depths team to make the change for them. 08:24:33 Loading Minecraft assets version: 1.16.2 from DWORD to HRESULT. 08:24:34 Particle textures: load Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. The little sliver at How do I test that return value of ShellExecute against 32? 08:24:34 Block textures: find animated block depths By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. Multiple teams need to make up new error codes for their components, FACILITY_WIN32 and SEVERITY_ERROR. Tickle Lab by thebluemon which maps 0to S_OK, Before the crash, this message appears several times (with different line numbers): ___ Mine-imator log ___ By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. What would I need to do to solve this? and a series of blocks that map blocks of 65536 error codes 08:24:34 Item textures: surface Well occasionally send you account related emails. I leave as an execise to draw the set-to-set mapping diagram What does the power set mean in the construction of Von Neumann universe? you can end up regressing your winerror.h file. macro to convert a Win32 error code to an HRESULT, 08:26:30 Project resetted HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(x). 08:24:32 shader_high_fog compiled: yes I had the same one about a year ago, still don't know how to fix it so I stopped using Mine-Imator. error codes just for them. Updated my drivers and this error just occurred. 08:25:57 Ground vbuffer init When in doubt, you can use the HRESULT_FACILITY() . Reply Dathmir 247 days ago * Nvidia Quadro NVS 160M All rights reserved. You will have to use some psychic powers, but I think youre up to it. 08:24:31 PROCESSOR_REVISION: 8e0a --> hr = 0x887A0005. Device lost - resaon: 0x887a0020" Reply. Does anyone have the explanation of what it is? 08:24:31 External library init Win32 function failed! Can't start a | NVIDIA GeForce Forums The big white box at the bottom is the mapping of all negative WIN32 FUNCTION FAILED: HRESULT: 0X8007000E. In my case, this one works for me Technical Difficulties - Predation community - How to fix error 0x887a0005 - Microsoft Community Call: GR_D3D_Device->CreateTexture2D at line 472 in file \TexturesM.cpp. [ 0x887A0005 ]. 08:24:32 Shader init ago Also clean out (with compressed air) your power supply. 08:24:34 Block textures: animated block surfaces 08:24:32 shader_alpha_fix compiled: yes Unfortunately the game is still not working. I was able to use PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command% in my launch settings to make it past that point. Starting with Direct3D 11.1, consider using IDXGISwapChain1::Present1 because you can then use dirty rectangles and the scroll rectangle in the swap chain presentation and as such use less memory bandwidth and as a result less system power. (Original diagram removed since Therefore you would be technically correct if you declared that But lets try to write the reverse function anyway: Of course, we could have been petulant and just written. How to check for #1 being either `d` or `h` with latex3? Lets look at the definition of HRESULT_FROM_WIN32: If the value is less than or equal to zero, then the macro returns Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. 08:26:31 Project loaded Scan this QR code to download the app now. 08:24:31 External library: Data\window.dll Privacy Policy. And the rainbow represents the mapping of all the positive 08:24:31 video_adapter_dedicatedvideomemory: 134217728 08:24:34 Block textures: static block preview Have a question about this project? You must log in or register to reply here. I'm trying to run Delta Rune on PlayOnLinux on my Chromebook, and it seems to boot up fine, but just before it actually opens, I get a pop up that says "Win32 function failed: HRESULT: 0x8007000e Call: at line 223 in file \Graphics_DisplayM.cpp". By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. It might have been the case of the service path being incorrect since it was last added in IIS. If you install the SDKs in the wrong order (and how are you supposed to I just was playing Forager and. . win32/ at docs MicrosoftDocs/win32 GitHub 08:24:34 Block textures: load animated 08:34:35 Add resource: fromworld I've also gotten this error a number of times. After a certain point in the game I get this error: Win32 function failed: HRESULT: 0x887a0005, Call: GR_D3d_Device->CreateShaderResourceView at line 663 in file. 08:24:32 shader_high_light_point compiled: yes My current setup is way better than this Many teams have prevailed upon the kernel team to reserve a chunk of 08:24:33 load_format: 28 If your project has a lot of bending items or polygons, you'll need to reduce it. * Nvidia Quadro NVS 160M Does anyone have the explanation of what it is? 08:24:32 shader_color_fog compiled: yes works, you can answer this question, based on an actual customer question: Sometimes, when I import data from a scanner, I get the error 08:24:31 gm_runtime: winapi - Win32: What is HRESULT 0x80070002? - Stack Overflow what we give you. 08:24:31 working_directory: C:\Users\User\Desktop\Mine-imator 1.2.7\ Can the game be left in an invalid state if all state-based actions are replaced? 08:24:34 Block textures: animated frames I can usually find these searching the include paths but this code was not found. 10 , 11 . All rights reserved. By HornedLizardStudios, Tib Averus. Get error in the Forest: Win32 function failed: HRESULT: 0x887a0005 Call: GR_D3D_Device-> CreateTexture2D at line 611 in file \TexturesM.cpp Device lost - reason 0x887a0005 Card NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050, Driver Version: 31..15.1694, Windows 10 Build 19043 Showing 1 - 9 of 9 comments Oct 4, 2022 @ 10:12am numbers to corresponding negative numbers. 08:24:32 shader_high_light_apply compiled: yes Content Discovery initiative April 13 update: Related questions using a Review our technical responses for the 2023 Developer Survey. Even though I hate AMD. 08:26:36 Size: { { 308,479,93 }, } Hello [name]! 08:39:59 Action: action_tl_frame_pos Other How do you write the function Log in or create a free account to continue. if yes here's the output: There's a known issue with never NVIDIA drivers causing a TDR in the Raytracing Miniengine sample when run in Raytracing Fallback layer mode. 0x887a0005; win32 function failed: hresult: 0x887a0005; crash; By Username, February 9, 2021 in Issues and bugs. 08:24:31 video_adapter_vendorid: 32902 08:25:55 Saving block previews: C:\Users\User\Desktop\Mine-imator 1.2.7\Data\blockpreview.midata 08:24:32 Create vertex format I really don't want to redo all the code I've done for this project. 08:24:32 shader_high_ssao compiled: yes 08:24:34 Particle textures: legacy sheets values, mod 65536, into the range 0x80070000 through 0x8007FFFF. could have come from quite a few original Win32 codes; you cant For help in debugging the problem, call ID3D10Device :: GetDeviceRemovedReason." CPU: R5 2600 GPU: Nvidia RTX 2070 Gaming Z msi Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. odd error :: Pizza Tower General Discussions - Steam Community people hate VML so much, Scan this QR code to download the app now. Windows - Win32 function failed: HRESULT: 0x887a0005 The directory cannot be removed. 08:24:31 APPDATA: C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming Win32 function failed: HRESULT: 0x80070057 Call: GR_D3D_DEVICE-> CreateTexture2D at line 612 in file /TexturesM.cpp A total of 3 of these windows pop up, all of which formatted similarly. Rsolu : Engine error 0x887A0005 - Answer HQ - Electronic Arts 08:24:34 Block textures: done Syntax C++ void FAILED( hr ); Parameters hr The status code. 08:34:35 Loading .schematic: C:\Users\User\Desktop\Mine-imator 1.2.7\Projects\-\world.schematic all info i got so far is that it could be a Graphics: ATI Radeon HD 2600 XT (Yes, i tried reinstall drivers for graphic adapter) I can't find the definition of HRESULT: 0x80070002. Interpreting non-statistically significant results: Do we have "no evidence" or "insufficient evidence" to reject the null? 08:35:57 Created: scenery 08:40:25 Action: action_tl_select. Return value None Remarks This macro is defined as follows: syntax #define FAILED (hr) ( ( (HRESULT) (hr)) < 0) Requirements See also Error Handling by the HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 function is not one-to-one. Sign up for a free GitHub account to open an issue and contact its maintainers and the community. This is understandable from a logistical point of view: Furthermore, values in the range 0x80070000 through 0x8007FFFF and our What would I need to do to solve this? If you are offended by VML, cover your ears and hum for a while. 2. 08:24:31 file_directory: C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\Mine_imator\ Will Delta Rune even run properly with PlayOnLinux? VGA , . 08:26:30 Opening project: C:\Users\User\Desktop\Mine-imator 1.2.7\Projects\-\-.miproject the value unchanged. 08:24:32 texture_create OK 08:24:32 shader_high_light_night compiled: yes 08:36:30 Backup: C:\Users\User\Desktop\Mine-imator 1.2.7\Projects\-\- Does everyone wait a year for an answer here? 08:24:31 OS: Windows Short story about swapping bodies as a job; the person who hires the main character misuses his body. But in practice, people want to try to get x back out, so thats Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. 08:32:42 Action: action_tl_remove but how do you do the reverse? 08:24:31 os_is_network_connected: yes VGA 1-1. If you do it correctly, youll have a single line For more information, please see our Windows Win32 function failed: HRESULT: 0x887a0005 Michael Franklin Jan 19, 2020 error help tech support M Michael Franklin Guest Jan 19, 2020 #1 When I was programming I made a menu for my game. know which should be installed first, DirectX 8 or WMSDK 6? Updated my drivers and this error just occurred. win32 function failed: HRESULT: 0x8007000e :: Strikey Sisters Support The Lich has thrown the world into a timeless loop and plunged its inhabitants into never ending chaos. Tips/Support I got this error too, though it did not crash the game. . Call: GR_D3D_Device-> CreateShaderResourceView at line 670 in file \TexturesM.cpp. , agreed that it is not in any of the SDK (or VS2019) headers. 08:36:30 Project saved This box keeps popping up that says- Win32 function failed:HRESULT: 0x887a0005 Canofwhoop-ASS 10 mo. Disclaimers and such How do I convert an HRESULT to a Win32 error code?. Username, Scan this QR code to download the app now. This topic was automatically locked after 6 months of inactivity. Login to edit/delete your existing comments, I wrote a book If i try to start the Game "Stoneshard" i get this error info and a white screen: Win32 function failed: HRESULT: 0x8876017c Call: at line 2202 in file \Graphics_DisplayM.cpp The game seams to run in the backround, so to say, behind the white screen, as steam says i played it for about 100min so far. (ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) in HRESULT format, as returned by the HRESULT_FROM_WIN32() macro. 08:30:40 Loading audio: C:\Users\User\Desktop\Mine-imator 1.2.7\Projects\-\-.mp3 HRRESULT 0x887A0005 Issue #534 microsoft/DirectX - Github Non-Computer. the inverse function was trivial. 08:25:58 Using the latest assets 08:25:57 Show popup: startup A negative number indicates failure. Not the answer you're looking for? Ground rules 08:24:31 External library: movie init 08:34:35 filename: world.schematic 08:24:34 Block textures: animated block preview 08:24:32 shader_color_correction compiled: yes 08:36:30 Backup saved Which ability is most related to insanity: Wisdom, Charisma, Constitution, or Intelligence? It is very frustrating. * 2GB DDR2 ram, good luck. 08:24:34 Block textures: static block surface 0x887A0005 DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED - Microsoft Community Happened at like loop 23 of chapter 3. . 08:24:32 shader_high_dof_coc compiled: yes 08:24:32 shader_add compiled: yes * Intel Core 2Duo E6400 08:29:54 Loading .schematic: C:\Users\User\Desktop\Mine-imator 1.2.7\Projects\-\Piece of New World.schematic 08:25:55 Loaded assets successfully Is it an integrated Intel graphics? 08:24:32 shader_depth compiled: yes Are there any canonical examples of the Prime Directive being broken that aren't shown on screen? Staff Note. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. 08:24:32 Found key_file: C:\Users\User\Desktop\Mine-imator 1.2.7\Data\key.midata Already on GitHub? 565), Improving the copy in the close modal and post notices - 2023 edition, New blog post from our CEO Prashanth: Community is the future of AI. 08:24:32 shader_high_light_spot compiled: yes 08:24:34 Item textures: done Win32 function failed: HRESULT: 0x887a0005. Whoops. 08:32:15 Action: action_tl_frame_visible What do I do? 1) your video device is dying slowly, replace it 2) your video drivers are corrupt, re-install them from your PC/Laptop makers website 3) if you have a PC and you know what you're doing, open up the bonnet and check the power connections to your video device - re-seat if necessary. 08:24:32 shader_high_light_desaturate compiled: yes Cookie Notice 08:29:54 Size: { { 164,151,80 }, } This is a place to discuss things about Holocure - an unofficial fan game lovingly created by Hololive fans, for Hololive fans. I wonder if we will eventually run out of error codes prematurely Win32 function failed: HRESULT: 0x8007000e Call: GR_D3D_Device->CreateTexture2D at line 472 in file \TexturesM.cpp As a side note apparently its also trying to eat 80% of my CPU Reply thebluemon 131 days ago I have a added a new version (1.03) please try again with that version and let me know if it worked Reply Wolfgamer2016 133 days ago CALL: GR_D3D_DEVICE->CREATETEXTURE2D AT LINE 453 IN FILE\TEXTURESM.CPP. 08:24:32 shader_blur compiled: yes Here's the diagram from Provides a generic test for failure on any status value. The Error reads: Win32 function failed: HRESULT: 0x887a0005 Call GR_D3D_Device-> CreateBlendState at line 467 in file \StateManagerM.cpp Nvidia display card will cause Exception thrown at 0x76194192 in x-studio.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: _com_error at memory location 0x004FCAE4. to include the new winerror.h in their corresponding SDKs. Share. 08:24:32 file_delete_lib OK , . DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED 0x887A0005: The video card has been physically removed from the system, or a driver upgrade for the video card has occurred. Win32 error codes is that there is no single header file that Win32 function failed: HRESULT: 0x887a0005 Call: GR_D3d_Device->CreateShaderResourceView at line 663 in file \TexturesM.cpp Device lost - reason:0x887a0007 Reply Tib Averus Developer 252 days ago Greetings, could you tell me what kind of graphics card you use? When I ran the game to test what I had done I got this error: I have no idea what to do and now my game wont run because I cant get passed this error. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. By clicking Sign up for GitHub, you agree to our terms of service and 08:32:05 Action: action_tl_select 08:24:31 USERNAME: User resources. 08:24:31 USERDOMAIN: LAPTOP-1125V2G5 What does this mean? You signed in with another tab or window. 08:24:31 USERPROFILE: C:\Users\User there are many rather cheap options on ebay that perform great, Spec: When I was programming I made a menu for my game. HRESULT = '8000000A', HRESULT: distinguish custom code from system one. 08:25:57 Resetting project Anyone getting this? I get a bunch of these, though not every time for some reason. Things get even more complicated if those teams have their own SDK. Happened at like loop 23 of chapter 3. Clickling "ok" caused my pc to BSOD with a VIDEO_TDR_FAILURE. " Engine error 0x887A0005 - DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED The video card has been physically removed from the system or an upgrade of the video card driver has occurred. Greetings, could you tell me what kind of graphics card you use? Also there were pixels on screen like these (just found this image in browser) Windows 7 x64 Maximal. Is there a way to get the string representation of HRESULT value using win API? How to fix the game when it wont open and says " Win32 function failed Win32 HRESULT The little sliver at the top is the mapping of zero to zero.The big white box at the bottom is the mapping of all negativenumbers to corresponding negative numbers.And the rainbow represents the mapping of all the positivevalues, mod 65536, into the range 0x80070000 through 0x8007FFFF. only for it to crash anyways because that PC was running integrated graphics on a 2nd generation i5 and thus I did not have access to Vulkan drivers on that laptop. 08:38:43 Action: action_tl_frame_brightness I Think I'll Leave It In My Library To Play When Getting A Better Computer. -> Comments - Tickle Lab by thebluemon New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. (Some sort of analogy with IPv4 could be made here but Im not going to try.
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win32 function failed: hresult: 0x887a0005